Amplifying Graduates Employability and Marketability: The Case of the National University of Lesotho
Dr. Regina M. Thetsane, Dr. Motšelisi C. Mokhethi

There is a school of thought having reservations with the relevance of programmes of National University of Lesotho (NUL) in relation to the demands of the labour market. This reservation has put pressure on NUL to amplify the employability and marketability of graduates by confirming that NUL learning experiences translate into a fulfilling transition to the labour market. This study seeks to identify NUL major areas that need improvement to upsurge employability and marketability of its graduates. A sample of 590 graduates was drawn from 11,233 total graduates who graduated between 2012/2013–2016-2017. A stratified random sampling was used to draw elements to the sample, from each stratum; a simple random sampling was used to select respondents. A total of 467 respondents provided useable responses translating into 79 percent response rate. Results revealed that most of the graduates were from the Faculty of Education while the least were from Faculty of Humanities. The foremost areas for improvement are related to the deficiencies regarding provision of quality of education and relevant curriculum. To enrich NUL programmes, it has to integrate the Employability strategy, Marketing strategy, review of curriculum and provision of an enabling teaching and learning environment as they are germane to the enhancement of graduate employability and marketability of NUL graduates.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jmm.v8n2a7