Marketing in the New Times
Dr. Edmir Kuazaqui

A business environment is constantly evolving and business and marketing must be properly prepared to meet these different demands and challenges. The company should clearly identify what the customer's issue is that they want to solve. Generation behavior should be properly monitored, as well as macro environmental factors such as technology, in order to adapt the company's strategies to them. We used qualitative depth research for the development of this article, because the objective is an open discussion on which topics that most influence, in a general way, the strategic marketing decisions of a company. To contextualize the discussion, we selected Nespresso as the case study. It is a company that offers a portfolio of solutions to its customers, rather than simple physical products. Through strategic planning and consistent actions, the company has been conquering and positioning itself as a market leader.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jmm.v6n2a5