A Theoretical Approach to Total Quality Management in Marketing of Banking Sector
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yakup DURMAZ, ZeynepDerya DÜŞÜN, Beyhan DEMİR

The concept of ‘’quality’’ has an important place in today’s world. There are several factors which have an effect on the importance of ‘’quality’’, such as; increasing variety of products and services, accessibility thanks to technology andnew competition environments. As a result of this intense competition and liberalization of economy, banks started to look for new services and create new values. Therefore, banks not only need to outmaneuver their rivals with the help of differences they make, but they also need to develop new strategies in order to satisfy customers and gain customers’ loyalty and try to present better values than their rivals’. This requires for banks to be engaged in total quality management activities. In this study, the importance of total quality management for banking sector was emphasized.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jmm.v3n2a8