The Relationship between the Different Aspects of Internal Market Orientation and Affective Commitment within Malaysia Childcare Sector
Yaty Sulaiman,Abdul Rahim Othman, Selvan Perumal, Noor Azmi Hashim
Journal of Marketing Management, 1(1), pp. 13-21.

The childcare sector has grown tremendously over the years in Malaysia due to the growing number of women joining the work force. In fact, the number of childcare centres in Malaysia has been steadily increasing and is expected to continue to increase in the future. This is largely due to the active campaign of the Malaysian Government for early childhood education, which is based on the important role played by formal early childhood education. However, childcare providers have facing a high job turnover rate among the employees. This happen because the employees uncommitt to their job, which, in turn, contribute to a high job turnover rate. One of the factors that contribute to employee organisational commitment is through internal market orientation (IMO). Hence, the present paper aims to discuss the effect of the difeerent aspects of IMO on the affective commitment (AC) within childcare centre. The findings showed that response to intelligence (RTI) had a positive relationship with AC. Finally, the study presents some suggestions for further studies that can be conducted in the future.

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YatySulaimanis a senior lecturer of marketing at Marketing Department, School of Business Management, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia. Her career spans both marketing and human resource management. At the UniversitiUtara Malaysia, Malaysia she earned a Bachelor of Public Administration (Hons) (in 1996), MBA (in 1999) and DBA in marketing(in 2013).

Her marketing research interests lie at the intersection of internal market orientation, and include employee job satisfaction, and employee organisational commitment among Malaysia childcare sector. She has published many articles in both marketing and human resource management, among which are several devoted to exploring and articulating issues in Malaysia childcare centre.

Abdul Rahim Othman
Selvan Perumal
Noor Azmi Hashim
School of Business and Management (SBM)
College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia
06010 Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia.