The Empirical Study of Relationship between Post Purchase Dissonance and Consumer Behaviour
Uzma Hasan, Dr. Reshma Nasreen

The paper focuses on the factors which lead to post purchase dissonance among the consumers. The study done in the paper tends to focus upon the variables which make the consumers feel more anxious about their purchase decisions. The study has tried to gauge the variables which have a significant bearing on the levels of dissonance being experienced by the consumers. The study shows that there is a significant association between income of the consumer and post purchase dissonance. Besides, the personality of the consumers also has a bearing on the dissonance inducing ability of the consumers. Impulse purchases were found to create more dissonance as against the planned ones. Since the consumers spend their time in planned purchases, they tend to be more confident about their purchases and hence tend to feel less dissonance. The consumer is also bound to feel more dissonance when the authority of final decision making lies with him and he tends to blamed for product’s poor performance.

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