Challenges Militating against Adoption of Online Shopping in Retail Industry in Nigeria
Aminu, Suraju Abiodun
Journal of Marketing Management, 1(1), pp. 23-33.

The Internet has revolutionized the way socio-economic activities are conducted globally. One of such activities is shopping. The Internet has revolutionized the way shopping is done. The traditional shopping of visiting the store is fast being displaced by online shopping, especially in developed countries, where many customers shop online. However, the pace and rate of online shopping is slow in Nigeria despite the rising population of the Internet users. The objective of the paper was to examine the challenges of online shopping in retail industry in Nigeria. Being a theoretical paper, data were
obtained mainly from secondary source. Some challenges were found to militate against adoption of online shopping in Nigeria’s retail industry. These include cultural barriers, infrastructure challenge, security concern, perceived risk and inadequate regulatory framework. In conclusion, these challenges have led to the slow adoption of online shopping in Nigeria, and based on this it was recommended thate-tailers should embark on advertising campaign to break the entrenched traditional shopping habits of Nigerian consumers; governments should sensitize the general public on the importance and benefits of the Internet adoption; government, should partner with the local PC manufacturers to make PC ownership affordable; and should make laws (e.g. cyber crime law) that protect online shoppers.

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Aminu, Suraju Abiodun. (2013). Challenges Militating against Adoption of Online Shopping in Retail Industry in Nigeria. Journal of Marketing Management, 1(1), pp. 23-33.

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Aminu, Suraju Abiodun bagged B.Sc. in Business Administration from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and M.Sc. in Marketing from University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria. He is currently doing his PhD in Marketing from Babcock University, Ilisan, Ogun State, Nigeria. His doctoral research is on analysis of potential determinants of petrol energy conservation in transportation sector of Lagos State, Nigeria.

He is a lacturer in Lagos State Polytechnic, Isolo Campus. He has a number of publications in both local and international journals. His research interest areas are relationship marketing, petrol marketing and technology marketing.

Aminu has published the following papers in international journals, Militancy in oil-rich Niger Delta: Failure of Federal Government of Nigeria; Rising petrol price in Nigeria and poverty widening gap; Impact of relationship marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty in Nigerian Banks, etc